Digital transformation in the tourism sector: A literature review

Transformación digital en el sector turismo: Una revisión de literatura

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Jhulianna Restrepo-Sarmiento
Paola Andrea Gómez Torres
José Londoño-Cardozo


Digitalization in the tourism sector has experienced significant growth over the last decade. However, it has been driven by the covid-19 pandemic. Although technological adoption in tourism has been slow due to the nature of the industry, its importance in enhancing tourism activities and services is recognized. Digital transformation has become a relevant phenomenon, and an increase in research on topics such as technological adoption, the digital economy, and artificial intelligence in the sector is expected. In this regard, this document presents a literature review based on bibliometrics conducted within the framework of a digital transformation project in the tourism sector. The results reveal that there is academic and sectoral interest in understanding the impact of digital technology on this sector. The analyzed documents show an average annual growth of 23,77% in publications on the subject and a significant influence of the pandemic on the thematic focus of the research. Similarly, the importance of digitalization in the planning of smart tourist destinations and the adoption of new technologies to generate value for customers is highlighted. Digitalization also emerges as an opportunity for tourism organizations to be strategically agile and adapt to a constantly changing environment. Although the tourism industry still faces challenges due to the pandemic, it is recognized that digitalization will continue to be fundamental for its recovery and future development.

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