Lean Six Sigma diagnostics in the offset printing process: A contribution from engineering students to the productivity of small companies in the industrial sector

Diagnóstico Lean Six Sigma en el proceso de impresión offset. Un aporte a la productividad de las pequeñas empresas del sector industrial por parte de estudiantes de ingeniería

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Javier Neira-Rueda
Alejandra Rojas
Luis Eduardo Díaz


This document structures and proposes the steps to improve the internal printing processes at Graficas Jaiber Ltda., a company that is dedicated to offset printing and that is specialized in the production of folding carton boxes and labels since 1976. The article focuses on the improvement of the company's offset printing quality indexes from the Lean Six Sigma methodology, with the main objective of applying a model for continuous improvement that allows increasing productivity by reducing the variability in the processes so that greater quality can be guaranteed. Pursuant to improve this process, information was collected and analyzed, and control and improvement actions were recommended. Diagnostic tools such as the 5w (the five questions), Pareto, and cause and effect diagram were used, which after being analyzed, allowed to find the assignable causes of the problems in the offset printing processes. Finally, the analysis allowed the industrial engineers from Uniminuto, who seek and have the improvement of productivity in small and medium enterprises as an institutional philosophy, to provide recommendations aimed at the continuous improvement with the DMAIC methodology; through actions that impact positively the internal processes and productivity of this Colombian company.


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