Identification of data mining techniques to support decision-making in solving business problems

Identificación de técnicas de minería de datos para apoyar la toma de decisiones en la solución de problemas empresariales

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Jahir A. Gutiérrez O.
Bernardo Molina



Business management has traditionally been permeated by many strange theories in its disciplinary field for the reason that its practice is limited to administration, broad and universal term in which we can fit all kinds of definitions of what management is, and many trends that are available in the market. But leaving aside these discussions, we are now interested in reflecting on what the inputs for making business decisions are, making them independent from the hierarchies of being strategic, tactical or operational. We want to set the question from the instrumental field of the sciences for the support of decision-making, such as informatics and its differentdata processing techniques; and ask ourselves, could the utilization of data  mining techniques support business management in order to generate better results in making business decisions in the micro and small business? and at the same time try to identify the basic tools to implement data mining in solving business problems from free and open software solutions that could be used to improve management skills that micro and small companies have in decision-making, seeking to sketch a map of strategies for the implementation of data mining techniques to the typical functions of business models for decision-making.


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