The role of cooperation on the propensity to innovate: evidence from the Chilean innovation survey
El rol de la cooperación en la propensión para innovar: evidencia de la encuesta chilena de innovación
Contenido principal del artículo
Innovation and cooperation have been directly linked with main topics in recent management bibliography. The perspective of open innovation has considered the importance to capitalize revenues from cooperation in an intent to innovate; however, there is a lack of empirical investigation of this issue for emerging economies.
This study aims at analyzing the impact of cooperation in the propensity to innovate in organizations, using data from the Chilean Innovation Survey. It shows that cooperation has a positive impact, statistically significant, in the propensity to innovate. The outcomes of this research are closely related with the implementation of policies as, according to what is observed, its paradigm should be transferred to an interlinking and strategic business environment, making it more possible the participation of companies in collaborative networks
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