Short title: Rev.esc.adm.neg

The EAN journal is a publication of technical, scientific and cultural nature, published twice a year by the EAN University. Its main objective is the publication of works resulting from research or theoretical reviews that are articulated with the interest of both academic and business environments, and that contribute to debates in the field of social sciences, specifically in the area of economics and business.

Its target audience is professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to keep up in content related to the thematic areas that are addressed in the publication.

ISSN: 0120-8160 (Impreso) - ISSN:  2590-521X (En línea)



Competencies of coffee growers in the municipality of Garzón for personal financial management
Competencias de los cafeteros del municipio de Garzón para la gestión financiera personal

Lilia Socorro Calderón Barrera Calderón Barrera, Natalia García Trujillo, Yanit Jiménez Merchán, Jaiver Jiménez Merchán

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