Short title: Rev.esc.adm.neg
The EAN journal is a publication of technical, scientific and cultural nature, published twice a year by the EAN University. Its main objective is the publication of works resulting from research or theoretical reviews that are articulated with the interest of both academic and business environments, and that contribute to debates in the field of social sciences, specifically in the area of economics and business.
Its target audience is professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to keep up in content related to the thematic areas that are addressed in the publication.
ISSN: 0120-8160 (Impreso) - ISSN: 2590-521X (En línea)
Current Issue | No. 96 (2024)
Scientific articles
Hacia las cibercooperativas: estudio de la economía colaborativa de la industria turística a través de un enfoque evolutivo de la cibernética organizacional
Towards cyber-cooperatives: Studying the sharing economy of the tourism industry through an evolutionary approach to organizational cybernetics
Summary views 317 | PDF views 754 |
Intuitive and rational decision-making styles and organizational improvisation: Does it influence employees' awareness of artificial intelligence?
Estilos de toma de decisiones intuitivo y racional e improvisación organizacional: ¿Influye la consciencia de los empleados acerca de la inteligencia artificial?
Summary views 308 | PDF views 304 |