Tangible Resources and Integration Capabilities a Determinants of Knowledge Creation Capabilities

Recursos tangibles y capacidades de integración como determinantes de las capacidades de creación de conocimiento

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Mileidy Alvarez-Melgarejo
Martha Liliana Torres-Barreto


Firms on the market may differ in their capabilities to transform and exploit knowledge, which may cause a differential effect on profits, urging companies to explore diverse pathways from their resources and capabilities base to performance improvements. This article suggests that tangible resources and knowledge integration capabilities as determinants of knowledge creation. This path enables the emergence of new capabilities, helps build competitive advantages and improves the economic performance of firms. We worked with quantitative data made up of 2,093 Colombian manufacturing companies and ran multiple linear regressions to test our hypothesis. The results suggest that tangible resources are critical precursors of knowledge creation, highlighting the importance of assets and human management processes within firms. We also found evidence to endorse the integration of knowledge capabilities because they influence the ability of firms to exploit knowledge. Finally, we found that the reconfiguration capability influences knowledge creation within firms. Our findings support the role of organizational leaders in managing transformation processes by effectively combining these resources and capabilities to bring about new knowledge and exploit it for profit generation.

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