Entrepreneurial initiative in Colombia: the case of the Master of Business Administration Program students

Intención emprendedora en Colombia: el caso de los estudiantes de Maestría en Administración

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Adriana María Flórez-Laiseca
María Patricia Giraldo-Correa



The objective of this investigation was to determine how the factors that influence the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in Colombia are associated and which of them are of greater relevance. The methodology that was used was descriptive with a correlational focus. This study was based on the Theory of Planned Behavior,, involving socioeconomic variables and the facility to do business according to Doing Business. 

To this end, an information collection instrument was used on a sample of 485 students enrolled in 36 Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree programs in Colombia. Data were processed using two statistic methods: Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) and Logistic Regression (LR).

This research led to establish nine factors that characterize the Colombian entrepreneurial intention (EI) in MBA students in Colombia, from which three correspond to social norms, two of them are associated with attitudes, two of them belong to behavior control, and two others involving socioeconomic issues.

Similarly, according to MCA, it was found that students with a higher EI are closely related with cities that have high and medium facilities to do business. This relationship may be based on the fact that the populations in which there are more opportunities to create companies have a more appropriate context that facilitates entrepreneurial activity.

In conclusion, a higher entrepreneurial intention is determined by the combination of these variables, which in order of importance correspond to social norms, attitudes, and behavior control together with some socioeconomic issues.       



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