The scope of management practices in employees' lives: the relationship between the perception of justice and the work-family conflict in organizations in Southern Colombia

El alcance de las prácticas de dirección en la vida de los colaboradores: la relación entre la percepción de justicia y el conflicto trabajo-familia en las organizaciones del sur colombiano

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Juan Manuel Andrade-Navia



This study evaluates the relationship between organizational justice, in its dimensions of procedural justice and interactional justice, and the work-family conflict in Colombian companies. The research uses an explanatory-causal methodology and a structural equation model in order to evaluate the relationships and effects between the variables. The research was developed in three organizations belonging to different economic sectors -services, financial, and production- where 450 surveys were applied to their employees. As for the results, only the interactional justice has a negative and significant relationship with the work-family conflict; the relationship between the procedural justice and the work-family conflict was not significant, and even positive. This work and its results support the hypothesis that business growth, hand-in-hand with the well-being of human capital, depends on key factors such as the reduction of the employees' conflicts and the training of managers or supervisors by means of transformational leadership strategies that account for organizational fairness and the active participation of all the stakeholders, thus fostering working relationships and environments in which core values such as respect, honesty, dignity, and courtesy prevail.

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