See Description
Escuela de Administración de Negocios
Short title: Rev.esc.adm.neg
The EAN journal is a publication of technical, scientific and cultural nature, published twice a year by the EAN University. Its main objective is the publication of works resulting from research or theoretical reviews that are articulated with the interest of both academic and business environments, and that contribute to debates in the field of social sciences, specifically in the area of economics and business.
Its target audience is professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to keep up in content related to the thematic areas that are addressed in the publication.
ISSN: 0120-8160 (Impreso) - ISSN: 2590-521X (En línea)
Mail: revistas@universidadean.edu.co
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See Description
Ontare is a scientific publication, specialized in the field of applied engineering. It is published by Universidad Ean on a yearly basis.
It gathers unpublished articles in Spanish and English that present research results or theoretical reviews, and that constitute a contribution to the academic debates in their areas of action.
In this route, it aims at becoming a space through which the latest advances in the application of technology and engineering are revealed as solutions with a real impact at the scientific, academic, and business levels.
Its target audience are professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to update their knowledge and deepen on the thematic axes covered by the publication.
ISSN: 2382-3399 (Impreso) ISSN: 2745-2220 (En línea)
revistas@universidadean.edu.co / revistaontare@universidadean.edu.co
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See Description
See Description
Comunicación, Cultura y Política
Comunicación, Cultura, y Política is a scientific and academic journal, linked to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Universidad Ean. Published annually, it is specialized in humanities, particularly in the areas of cultural management, creative economy, communication, diversity, and culture.
The journal only includes unpublished articles in Spanish and English, and welcomes contributions from academics, researchers, and professionals in the creative and communication sectors. In so doing, the journal seeks to be a space not only for promoting dialogue, but also for the construction of networks for the benefit of the creative, cultural, and communication sectors.
Its target audience is professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to update their knowledge and deepen on the thematic axes covered by the publication.
ISSN: 2145-1494 (Impreso)
ISSN: 2745-2697 (En línea)
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See Description
See Description
Virtu@lmente is a digital journal that is published twice a year by the EAN University. It publishes unparalleled articles in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese that show research findings, theoretical reviews and articles for reflection that contribute to the discussions in the field of social sciences, education science area, particularly on topics that are related to education in general -pedagogy and training- with an emphasis on virtual education.
Its target audience is professionals, academics, researchers, and students, who seek to update themselves in contents that are related to the thematic areas addressed by this publication.
ISSN 2357-514X
Email: revistas@universidadean.edu.co
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See Description
Título abreviado: Rev. Ploutos
La Revista Ploutos es una publicación académica de frecuencia anual, publicada por la Universidad Ean —Bogotá, Colombia—. La revista recibe contribuciones originales de resultados de investigación en las áreas de las ciencias económicas y está dirigida a estudiantes, investigadores en formación, profesores y personas interesadas en este campo del conocimiento. Su objetivo principal es servir de ámbito para la publicación de artículos de investigación obtenidos en el marco de semilleros de investigación u otros espacios de formación en investigación a nivel nacional e internacional.
ISSN en línea: 2322-7230
Contacto: revistas@universidadean.edu.co
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